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About Data collection, Cookie and Policy

About Scotty's Action Sports Network watersports and SCUBA diving By continuing to use, you agree to the use of cookies for the purposes we describe in this policy.

If you do not agree to accept the use of cookies, you can turn it off on your browser or stop using our website altogether. (See below to learn how)

We may change our Cookie and Privacy Policy at any time and without prior notice as we are continually changing and updating our site to improve your experience. We are not using a third-party tracker when getting the information you have provided. The information we collected will be used for our own statistics which means that it will remain and circulate ONLY within our website.

We recommend you come back to this page time to time to see if there is any change in our privacy policy and data collection.

What is a Cookie?

Unfortunately, the cookie we mean here is not the kind of cookie that you eat. A web cookie is a small text file of information which is stored onto your computer or electronic device (e.g. smartphones, tablets, smart Tvs, or any internet-browsing device) when you access our webpages.

The cookie allows our webpages to anonymously identify if it is the same device when jumping from one page to another in our website and for us to improve your user-experience either for the duration of your visit (using a ‘session cookie’) and for repeated visits (using a ‘persistent cookie’). The use of the cookies is, mainly, for our website to deliver the exact user interface appropriate for your device. (Our website will look better on a desktop or laptop, though it is adaptive to phone or tablet)

If you disable the use of cookies in your web browser setting when using our website, our server can no longer recognize your device and recall the information that you have provided (which our cookies have stored on your device). This means that you will have to fill up again when using our booking cart (coming soon).

We are continuously improving our website and in the future, we are adding an online booking system. Allowing the use of cookies will help you to auto-refill the form without you having to type everything again (although, your browser does it too) as well as keeping your online booking cart (coming soon) for a few days. This saves time and is less hassle on your part.

Youtube's Cookies

Most of the pages on our websites have a Youtube video that you can watch for a better visual understanding and experience. We have placed a fake image thumbnail of the video so that your device won't automatically store Youtube's cookies (as far as we are aware) until you click to play the video. (you can right click on it and choose to open the video link in a new tab or a private window)

This makes your browsing experience on our web pages faster! And Youtube cannot also gather cookies about you unless you play the video.

The Information We Collect

As of now, we don't save any information that you have input in the inquiry form. However, it will be used for our admin to know who you are when receiving and answering your inquiries. The only time we collect your first name, last name, and email is when you choose to subscribe to our newsletter. But if you decide to unsubscribe, the information will be immediately removed from our database. You can unsubscribe through the newsletter email that we send you.

Because we are using a HTTPS protocol (the "S" means secured), any data that you have input in a form will be encrypted once you click the submit/send button. It means that the data are not readable while they are being transmitted to our server.

Once we deploy the booking system in our website, we may automatically collect your login information, the contents and information you provided on your booking cart, and other identifiers related to or sub-domain (example: where 'jp' is a sub-domain) or any other of OUR domain.

When you visit our website and fill out a form providing your name, email address, contact information, etc. on the booking cart form, your answers will automatically be stored in a cookie. Every time you visit our site your device will use the stored cookie to auto-refill the form or the contents on your booking cart. It will save you the hassle of filling up the form again and reduce the data usage needed upon interacting with our website. The cookies will expire if inactive for eight (8) days and the content of your booking cart will be automatically deleted from our database, as well as your personal information.

We may also be adding a login system in our website. The username and the password you will provide is stored securely. We use the latest encryption technology so that your data will be safe. In any case you forget your password, please let us know so we can send you an email with the link to a page where you can set a new password up as we will be unable to send you back your original password, because all passwords are stored with the highest encryption possible, thus impossible to send you the original password back.

By enabling the cookie, our website can electronically know who you are. Not your life story! But by the information you have provided on our (future) online booking cart, the contents on your booking cart, your user preferences or few others.
Without cookies we cannot have a dynamic online booking cart on our website!

The Types of Cookies We Use

Scotty's Island Tours and Excursions Functional Cookies
Functional cookies are used to save you time in filling up the forms on our website. These cookies lessen the hassle if you want to book or inquire on our website. It can also remind you that you still have contents on your booking cart. Furthermore, these cookies can recognize if you have signed up for our newsletter or if you have accessed to a particular page for the first time.
Functional cookies are essential for the website because they contain the session cookie (temporary cookie) and the persistent cookie.

Performance Cookies
Performance cookies are used to track visitor movements and gather broad demographic information. We use the information to help us continually improve our website. It allows us to understand your interests and preferences, which pages are most visited, and few others things. These cookies are not linked to personally identifiable information, so you need not worry. We are not spying on you!

Names of our Cookies and what they store

Ok all those cookies might be nice when thinking about pastries... but what are they, what do they do and what's their names?

Check them out below!
From the 7th row down to the bottom, It's for the booking cart, only if you book via our booking cart system.

Cookie Name Type Duration Details
subscribed Persistent, Functional 1 year ++ If you have subscribed to our newsletter, this cookie will prevent you to be bothered by our "Subscribe to our Newsletter" sliding pop-up.
The "++" means each time you come back to our website, it will automatically extend 1 year (in simple words, you will not see this pop-up anymore)
nosubscription Persistent, Functional 3 days If you click "no thanks" on the sliding pop-up asking to subscribe to our newsletter, you will not see again this pop-up for the next 3 days (we really are not pushing!)
_pk_ses."..." Temporary, Performance 30 minutes The "..." means you might have a following chain of characters or/and numbers instead. This cookie is a session cookie. Roughly, it's to track how long a visitor is on our website
_pk_cvar."..." Temporary, Performance 30 minutes The "..." means you might have a following chain of characters or/and numbers instead. This cookie is used for statistical purposes
_pk_id."..." Persistent, Performance, Technical 13 months The "..." means you might have a following chain of characters or/and numbers instead. This randomly generated ID is used to avoid counting the same person twice when counting how many people visit our website
_pk_ref."..." Persistent, Performance 6 months The "..." means you might have a following chain of characters or/and numbers instead. This cookie is to identify the page or the website from which a visitor came to our website to enable us to identify which websites generates the most traffic towards us
guestId Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the id systematically assigned to a visitor when and ONLY when a visitor adds its first item in the booking cart.
firstname Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's first name.
lastname Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's last name.
nationality Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's nationality (For Balicasag).
gender Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's gender (For Balicasag).
age Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's age (For Balicasag).
level Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's dive certification level (Generally Optional, Mandatory For Balicasag)
email Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's email address
same_location Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booker's latest selected location
other_guest_firstname Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the other guest's firstnames that the booker inputted in the form during booking (optional).
other_guest_lastname Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the other guest's lastnames that the booker inputted in the form during booking (optional).
other_guest_nationality Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the other guest's nationalities that the booker inputted in the form during booking (optional).
booking_date Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the date of each activity that the booker added to the booking cart.
activity Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the name of each activity that the booker added to the booking cart.
activity_url Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the URL link of each activity being booked or added to cart for references.
activity_id_time Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the date when an activity is being added to the booking cart.
location Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the location where the activity will take place when using the booking cart.
hotel Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the hotel name the booker has selected or inputted manually in the booking form (optional).
hotel-auto-fill Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the latest hotel name that the booker has selected in the options of the booking form (optional).
hotel-name-auto-fill Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the latest hotel name that the booker has inputted in the booking form (optional).
pickup Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores either "yes" or "no" with regards to the necessity to be picked up from the hotel (optional).
pickup-auto-fill Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the latest value either "yes" or "no" with regards to the necessity to be picked up from the hotel (optional).
numAdults Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the number of adult guests being inputted by the booker in the booking form.
numChildren10_above Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the number of children (above 10 years old) guests being inputted by the booker in the booking form.
numChildren5_10 Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the number of children (5-10 years old) guests being inputted by the booker in the booking form.
numChildren5_below Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the number of children (below 5 years old) guests being inputted by the booker in the booking form.
date Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the booking date of the latest activity being added in the booking cart.
numberOfActivities Persistent, Functional, Technical 7 days This cookie stores the current number of activities in the booking cart.

Tips for our subscribers:

If you see the sliding pop-up asking you to subscribe to our newsletter (which you already are), just open your latest newsletter in your email, then click the button / link "More About (subject of the newsletter)", your browser will open the page. When you see the content of the page you can close it, as our cookie would have been set before you see the page's content, and you should not see anymore the sliding pop-up on our website EVER.

We Thought You Should Know

We track our visitors through Matomo software, a Free and Open Source web analytics Software, hosted ONLY by us, that enables us to save information or data gathered from our website to our OWN server and our OWN database ONLY! We have full control of the data and we DO NOT USE other remote-hosted services or third party trackers nor any third-party widgets (like Google Analytics, statCounter Analytics, weather-widgets, etc...).
We are proud to say that we are one of the only few websites who run and collect data directly on our own server and database!

So you don't need to worry or be scared! All collected data from our websites are safe with us and there are no third-parties between you and us.

In other words: We made and bake ourselves ALL our cookies! Facebook, Google, and so on, CANNOT track you here!

To know more about Matomo, you can visit their site at: Matomo Analytics, the source code is there: Matomo code on Github (you can download it and use it for free).

Manage Your Cookie Settings

Excellence in Customer Service All recent versions of internet browsers give you control over cookies. You can change your browser settings so that you receive a warning before certain cookies are stored to your device. You can set your internet browser to accept or reject all, or certain, cookies. For details and instructions on how to manage cookies, you may read the 'Help' section of your browser.

If you want to know more information about cookies, you may visit: About Cookies.

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